The Sock Zone

A little bit of random

A to Z Challenge: Z is for Zealous April 30, 2016

Filed under: A to Z challenge,Challenges,Uncategorized — Cynthia @ 12:02 am

The definition of Zealous is full of, characterized by, or due to zeal; ardently active, devoted, or diligent.

I think I fit that in accomplishing this A to Z challenge. I was way behind in this challenge. My blog was removed from the list.

In spite of everything that kept throwing a wrench in my way of making posts, I caught up and finished this challenge… and on time.



A to Z Challenge: Y is for Yangmei April 29, 2016

Filed under: A to Z challenge,fruits,plants — Cynthia @ 4:04 am

Yangmei, also known as Yumberry is a Chinese fruit.  The fruit ripens on the tree during the summer months, with a very narrow window of only a few weeks to ripen. The tree is an evergreen, with pale silvery bark and slender green leaves. It is a subtropical tree and is used for ornaments.




A to Z Challenge: X is for Xeronema Callistemon

Filed under: A to Z challenge,plants,Uncategorized — Cynthia @ 3:33 am

Xeronema Callistemonis a species of flowering plant endemic to the Poor Knights Island  and  Taranga Island in the north of New Zealand. It was discovered in 1924. It looks like a sideways giant bottle-brush of red flowers with orange pollen. It grows on sea cliffs, requires a lot of water and is pollinated by birds and butterflies.


A to Z Challenge: W is for Wallcreeper

Filed under: A to Z challenge,Birds — Cynthia @ 3:09 am

The wallcreeper is a small passerine bird meaning that the arrangement of their toes, three pointing forward and one back, facilitates perching.They are found throughout the high mountains of Eurasia. They are insectivores, feeding off the rock face. It has blue-grey feathers and crimson colored wings. Their nest is cup shaped, made of grass and moss and lined with feathers and wool.


A to Z challenge: V is for Vicuna

Filed under: A to Z challenge,animals,mammals,Uncategorized — Cynthia @ 2:48 am

The Vicuna is one of two wild South American camelids that lives in the Andes. The rarest finest fiber comes from this animal. It was reduced almost to extinction at the end of the Inca empire in 1572 and again in 1970’s. It now has made a come back and is protected for it’s fiber.



A to Z Challenge: U is for Uakari

Filed under: A to Z challenge,mammals — Cynthia @ 1:42 am

The Uakari is a species of the New World Monkey . There are three. The Bald Red Uakari has a distinct red face with red fur, the Bald White Uakari has a red face and white fur and the Black-headed Uakari that has a black face and gold fur. The Bald-faced Red is on the brink of extinction.


A to Z challenge: T is for Triplite

Filed under: A to Z challenge,Gemstones, Rocks, minerals — Cynthia @ 12:27 am

Triplite is an orange-pink gemstone in it’s rare form. Because of its brittleness, good cleavage, and lack of hardness, it is difficult to cut and facet.  Most triplite are brown and opaque.

A to Z challenge: S is for Sirenia

Filed under: A to Z challenge,mammals — Cynthia @ 12:01 am

Sirenia are commonly known as “Sea Cows”, Manatees and Dugongs. They are aquatic, herbivorous mammals that inhabit swamps, rivers, estuaries, marine wetlands, and coastal marine waters. They are named after the sirens of Greek mythology. Sirenia are closely related to elephants.





A to Z Challenge: R is for Regulus April 28, 2016

Filed under: A to Z challenge,Stars, Planets, and Space — Cynthia @ 11:15 pm

Regulus is a multiple star system consisting of at least four stars. Regulus A is the brightest star in the constellation Leo. It is a much larger star than our own sun. Regulus A has nearly 350 times as much energy as our sun. It is much hotter than our sun, with a surface temperature that averages about 12,000 K (roughly 21,000 degrees F). It is 77 light years away. Regulus is likely only a few hundred million years old, but it is rapidly approaching its own death.





A to Z Challenge: Q is for Quince

Filed under: A to Z challenge,fruits — Cynthia @ 10:14 pm

Quince is a yellow fruit that looks like a cross between an apple and a pear. It is usually made into Jams and Jellies since it is too hard and bitter tasting to eat raw. Better known as “marmalade” which comes from the Portuguese word for quince.


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